Rowena Zylali is our Coordinator and Teacher for English Language Learning. Email her here.

During registration in the New Fairfield Public Schools, you will be contacted about your child taking a language assessment if your forms indicate that an assessment is appropriate.
If your child would benefit from additional support in Academic English Instruction, this will be available.
Did you know that if you speak another language at home, your child's brain is already wired for two languages?
Even if your child does not SPEAK your heritage language, they might have already developed language by listening and just be a small step away from speaking!
Multilingual Learners in NFPS

Welcome to the New Fairfield Public Schools Multilingual Learners (ML) program. Our K-12 ML program is intended to support students in both academic and functional English, and to foster learning across content areas in our schools.
Our mission is to facilitate students’ timely acquisition of English through the domains of speaking, listening, reading, and writing in order to communicate and engage in academic learning using the English language both in the classroom and in the community. We strive to collaborate with families and welcome their partnership.
Parent Bill of Rights for English Learners and Multilingual Learners
About this Program